About me

I am currently an IFDS postdoc scholar at the University of Washington, working with Dmitriy Drusvyatskiy and Maryam Fazel. I received my PhD in Computer Science from UCSD, where I was fortunate to be advised by Mikhail Belkin. Prior to UCSD, I received my BS in Mathematics from Zhejiang University.

I am broadly interested in the optimization and mathematical foundations of deep learning. I have worked on understanding the dynamics of wide neural networks, particularly in the NTK [Jacot et al. 2018] regime. Recently, I have been interested in the behaviors of neural networks when the learning rate is large, where certain phenomena such as catapult phase [Lewkowycz et al. 2020] and edge of stability [Cohen et al. 2021] occur. These phenomena do not occur in the NTK regime and seem to be related to the feature learning of neural networks.

Email: libinzhu at uw dot edu

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